Why Ceramic Porcelain?

In choosing a fine surface, so many requirements need to be checked off. Below is a list of all the reasons ceramic porcelain is the preferred solution for homes, luxury condominiums, and corporate headquarters world-wide.

Stability over time

Not prone to wear



Easy to clean

Acid Resistant

Design versatility

Ideal for indoor & outdoor use

Resistant to mold & mildew



Hygienic, suitable for food contact


Environmentally friendly and recyclable

Ideal for floor heating


All slabs and tiles are MOCA certified.

What is MOCA EC 1935/2004? EC 1935/2004 or MOCA is a European Council directive relating to materials in contact with food.

The directive was developed to increase food production quality standards and reduce public health risks by eliminating potentially harmful contamination caused by chemical migration from materials into the product.

Any valves that carry foodstuffs or convey air or gas into foodstuffs, should carry the MOCA logo or state For Food Contact to prove that they have been tested and are in compliance.


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Contact Information

PH: 305.987.9981 EM: paolo@espressioneitaliana.it

Opening Hours




10 - 16

Tuesday - Friday

10 - 18